The importance of preserving the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine


At the Board of Governors meeting, IAEA Director General R. Grossi once again emphasized how dangerous the situation is at the Zaporizhzhya site and that the continuing Russian bombing of Ukraine's energy infrastructure increases the risk of a nuclear accident every day.

IRSN institut.pngFace with of this situation, the European Union and its member states have reaffirmed the great importance they attach to nuclear safety and to its continuous improvement and reinforcement. The European Union also stresses that the seizure and militarization of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant by Russia is the cause of the current threats in the field of nuclear safety and security.

Like several of its partners in Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, IRSN reaffirms the importance of preserving the safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine. In particular, the guarantee of a stable power supply to the facilities is an essential element of this safety.


One year ago, Russia forcibly seized the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, a flagrant danger to nuclear safety. Russia needs to show the world it can once again be responsible nuclear power supplier to the global energy sector.


"Nations around the world are now moving to break their overreliance on Russian fossil energy. Russia has repeatedly demonstrated that it is not a responsible nuclear power... It must face consequences for those actions."

VTT (Finland) (14 juillet 2022)

VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland, is taking part in the #ScienceForUkraine initiative by offering three trainee spots to Ukrainians. The paid trainee program starts in autumn 2022, and VTT will cover the cost of housing. The international #ScienceForUkraine initiative collects information on job opportunities offered to Ukrainian nationals by universities and research centers around the world. Several organizations in Finland are also taking part in the initiative.

War causes extensive human suffering and the need for help is increasing in Ukraine. The crisis affects also the 7.5 million children of Ukraine. VTT does its part in helping families and children by donating EUR 50,000 to Unicef. Unicef is already operating in the crisis area and with the help from the donations, will be able to expand the operation. 

LEI (Lithuanie) (Mars 2022)

Today, Ukraine is suffering from brutal, open and large-scale war and aggression by the Russian Federation. The Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) condemns actions of the aggressor.

The community of the Lithuanian Energy Institute admires the unity and heroism of the Ukrainian people in defending their country, its independence and democracy. "The Institute expresses support and encouragement to Ukraine and its people. LEI cooperates and is ready to expand cooperation with Ukrainian scientific institutions. Currently, 3 Ukrainian citizens are studying and conducting research at the Lithuanian Energy Institute. The institute is ready to accept more Ukrainian students and researchers and provide them with support during these difficult times. We are together with the people of Ukraine" – says Sigitas Rimkevičius, Director of LEI.

Jacobs (UK) (4 Mars 2022)

We are deeply concerned about the terrible situation unfolding in Ukraine and we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they defend their independence.   

Our immediate concern is for the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues and their families in Ukraine, and for our employees in other countries, including Poland, who have families affected. We are in daily contact with our impacted colleagues and doing all we can to offer them support and guidance, including helping those able to leave Ukraine.  

We are immensely proud that our Jacobs employees are helping across the world in so many ways, particularly at the Ukraine border, where they are welcoming the people of Ukraine into their homes. We are staying close to the situation and, are looking at ways to facilitate employment at Jacobs for people displaced by the crisis.   

Jacobs has no operations, offices or real estate in either Russia or Belarus. We are working across the globe as quickly as possible to identify any relationships with Russian-controlled entities or those with a material investment from a Russian-controlled organization. We believe such work is extremely limited, and if discovered, will immediately initiate termination of any relationships that we find. 

Jacobs joins the call for an immediate end to the unprovoked aggressions against Ukraine and its people, and a peaceful conclusion to these shocking and tragic events.

SSM (Suède)

Joint statements on the situation in Ukraine

Sweden and SSM stand behind joint statements by INRA, the European Union and ENSREG on the situation in Ukraine. We are gravely concerned about the situation and the potential serious impacts on the safety and security of Ukraine's nuclear power plants, especially the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant. We strongly endorse the importance of the fundamental Seven Pillars of Nuclear Safety and Security as outlined by IAEA. We continue to offer our steadfast support to the Ukrainian nuclear regulator and commend all of its efforts to keep nuclear facilities in Ukraine safe and secure. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation's unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine and appeal for maximum restraint, to avoid any action, which may put Ukraine's nuclear facilities at risk.